
[Mirror] Final Nacional da XXVI Maratona SBC



Welcome to the official mirror of the XXVI Brazilian Final of the SBC Competitive Programming Marathon 2021/22 and ACM-ICPC Latin America Regional 2021/22!

To join this mirror contest click in JOIN on the top right corner of the screen.

For more information about the SBC Marathon, please access the official event's website: HERE

Follows beecrowd channel on LinkedIn for more information about this and other mirror contests: HERE

Please, notice that the start time of this mirror contest at beecrowd will be 1h after the official start of the actual Marathon. Any delays that may happen with the start of the official Marathon will also delay the start of the mirror contest

So, in summary: mirror contest date and start time is April 2nd at 6:00pm UTC / Total duration: 5 hours / Language used: English

The time limit for each problem on this mirror contest WON'T be the same as in the actual Marathon. Therefore, some solutions that weren't accepted during the Marathon maybe get accepted here. Please, keep that in mind.

We will do our best to have the problem's authors to respond clarifications on this mirror competition during the event. As the judges' top priority is with the actual contest that will happen physically in Gramado-RS-Brazil, it may take some time for you to get a reply from them or there is even the risk they won't be available for responding clarifications. So, please, be patient!

We hope you can have some fun! Good luck!

Register to start solving the problems in this contest.