Have any doubts about the beecrowd? Here you can find the answers!

  • Is it possible to compile my codes directly on the portal?

    Unfortunately, it’s not possible yet.

  • I witnessed a bug or have suggestions for improvements to the site. Where do I send it (them)?

    You can contact us through the feedback page.

  • I would like to delete my account. How do I do?

    You should login into beecrowd, go to the settings page and click at the left menu item written: "deactivate".

  • I would like to change the email from my account. How do I do?

    First, you must contact our team with the email you use to log into the portal, through feedback, report the situation you want to change the email on your account, and after our approval, submit a message with the new e-mail.

  • How can I add an image on my portal account?

    The beecrowd uses the Gravatar©, a Globally Recognized Avatar. If your email has a Gravatar classificated as G it will automatically displayed on your profile. If you do not have one, go https://gravatar.com/site/signup, please register your email (the same used in the portal) and select your Gravatar. It may take a few minutes for the new Gravatar © be displayed.

    Besides Gravatar, you can still use the photo of one of these social networks: Facebook, Google or GitHub, although Gravatar © still the standard. To use the photo of these networks, the account must be linked to the portal and registration emails must be equal.

  • Can I copy codes from the internet and posting on my server?

    Even more than a few users, unfortunately, adopt this policy to solve problems and move up the rankings, that''s not cool. That is Falsehood Ideological and if our system detects such plagiarism, you may be asked to recant and your account is also subject to cancellation.

    The beecrowd is available for a tool that fosters a healthy competition between the users as well as prepare them for the programming competitions and the labor market.

  • Can I report user with strange behavior?

    Yes. If you suspect from an user you can contact us by a feedback. The portal team beecrowd will investigate and punish the user if it is using illegal means to move up the rankings. Let's work together to keep the competition always as a joke / healthy competition among users.

  • Can I play hacker and try to destabilize the service offered by beecrowd?

    Security flaws can be exploited only with explicit consent of the portal's authors. The beecrowd portal reserves the right to take all appropriate actions in the case of criminal assault, punishable in accordance with Brazilian law.

  • How do I find out what badges are in the portal?

    You can search for other profiles (especially in the profiles of your friends). There are some badges which are historical and therefore are available only for a predetermined time, it is not possible to get them to the back of the promotion.

  • What is possible to report through feedbacks channel?

    Through the feedbacks channel you can report all error that you found in our website

  • Are any compiler flags set on the online judge?

    The ONLINE_JUDGE flag is defined to be true in C++, therefore you can write some code that only executes on your computer for testing purposes.

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    // This code will only be executed in your local machine
  • How Does the beecrowd Rank Works?

    The beecrowd ranking is based on points. You can score by:

    • Solving problems in each language accepted by our judge. However, notice that different versions of each language do not generate points (i.e., when solving a problem in C++ and C++17 you will score only once, whereas solving in C++ and Python you will receive points for each language);
    • Unlocking badges;
    • Solving problems in open contests. In competitions you will only score once, regardless of whether you have solved the problem in more than one language.

    You can also lose points by:

    • Submitting source-codes copied from online repositories. Each detected plagiarism translates to -10 points.

    All your attempts to solve a problem until the first Accepted do not interfere with your score.

    You can try to improve the runtime of your solution by submitting new versions of your code, but these will not increase your score nor your position in the general rank. That way, you can explore new concepts and optimizations in different languages and sharpen your skills!

  • How the Score of Each Problem is Defined?

    The score of each problem is defined according to its difficulty. This is estimated using a variation of the ELO that uses the number of times the problem was "defeated" (i.e., how many users solved the problem) to determine its difficulty. On this system, problems that are solved by multiple users with few attempts are classified as low difficulty, while problems with more attempts but less solved are classified as high difficulty.

    The problems are then distributed based on the score computed by ELO so that each level contains 10% of the problems available in beecrowd. Each problem also gets a score, with one decimal precision, within the range of the level it is ranked. If the problem is rated Level 5, for example, the score may vary between 5.0 and 5.9.

    The difficulty of the problems is readjusted weekly. This means that problems can change level and have their score changed. Therefore your total score may vary from week to week.

  • Why my C code gets 'Compilation Error' at beecrowd and locally don't?

    The C language in beecrowd represents the ANSI C. ANSI C does not recognize some patterns that the newest C versions do, as the declaration of variables inside for loops, for example. If your compiler does not show any compilation error, and you are trying to debug the error showed by beecrowd, you need to define the ANSI C pattern when you compile your code. In GCC newest versions you need to use the flag -ansi with this purpose:

    gcc -ansi -O2 yourcode.c -o yourcode -lm