Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1244 Sort by Length 00834º 14779563 Python 3 0.140 6/28/19, 1:43:00 PM
2651 Upset Link 00408º 14483057 Python 3 0.028 5/31/19, 7:01:12 PM
2714 My Temporary Password 00342º 14354768 Python 3 0.032 5/22/19, 2:38:01 PM
1256 Hash Tables 00094º 14113576 Python 3 0.264 5/7/19, 1:21:46 AM
1520 Screws and Nuts 00091º 14098931 Python 3 2.268 5/6/19, 4:05:07 AM
1523 Linear Parking Lot 00062º 14089271 Python 3 0.320 5/5/19, 9:53:26 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 01598º 14025252 Python 3 0.284 4/30/19, 8:38:45 PM
1785 Kaprekar 00030º 13857043 Python 3 0.280 4/20/19, 5:54:29 AM
1593 Binary Function 00060º 13856025 Python 3 0.004 4/20/19, 3:24:29 AM
1795 Trinomial Triangle 00234º 13855472 Python 3 0.024 4/20/19, 2:45:13 AM
1800 Where Are My Keys 00136º 13855292 Python 3 0.024 4/20/19, 2:28:34 AM
1895 Game of Limit 00069º 13855100 Python 3 0.020 4/20/19, 1:56:38 AM
2058 Triangles and Regular Polygons 00434º 13852507 Python 3 0.016 4/19/19, 10:34:27 PM
1546 Feedback 00235º 13852099 Python 3 0.080 4/19/19, 10:06:14 PM
1581 International Chat 00617º 13851982 Python 3 0.020 4/19/19, 9:57:57 PM
1553 Frequent Asked Questions 00067º 13851634 Python 3 0.052 4/19/19, 9:33:04 PM
1547 Guess What 00139º 13850089 Python 3 0.096 4/19/19, 7:39:43 PM
2065 Supermarket Line 00178º 13827533 Python 3 1.916 4/15/19, 5:32:05 AM
1794 Laundry 00308º 13758324 Python 3 0.020 4/14/19, 6:45:44 PM
1329 Head or Tail 00262º 12247786 Python 0.016 11/12/18, 6:53:42 PM
1548 Canteen Queue 00420º 11225693 Python 0.016 8/17/18, 6:47:04 PM
1129 Optical Reader 00297º 11225289 Python 0.008 8/17/18, 6:16:58 PM
1007 Difference 17245º 4534737 Python 0.016 6/2/16, 6:30:29 PM
1004 Simple Product 17500º 4533472 Python 0.012 6/2/16, 3:34:19 PM
1003 Simple Sum 15722º 12247284 Python 0.008 6/2/16, 3:32:51 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 20256º 4533371 Python 0.008 6/2/16, 3:03:16 PM
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