Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2879 Desvendando Monty Hall 01127º 15161871 C++ 0.008 8/10/19, 2:25:16 AM
1430 Jingle Composing 01864º 15087853 C++ 0.184 8/3/19, 3:55:33 AM
1548 Canteen Queue 02585º 15014803 C++ 0.004 7/26/19, 11:20:40 PM
1281 Going to the Market 00663º 15014605 C++ 0.032 7/26/19, 10:29:56 PM
1259 Even and Odd 04961º 15010373 C++ 0.412 7/26/19, 4:11:05 PM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 01811º 15009787 C++ 0.132 7/26/19, 3:07:15 PM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 05315º 15008999 C++ 0.068 7/26/19, 1:21:58 PM
2174 Pomekon Collection 00672º 11071361 C++ 0.000 8/1/18, 9:43:31 PM
1253 Caesar Cipher 00261º 11013421 C++ 0.008 7/25/18, 5:52:56 PM
2721 Indecision of Reindeers 00249º 11011279 C++ 0.000 7/25/18, 1:58:14 PM
2748 Output 2 00207º 11003024 C++ 0.000 7/24/18, 1:21:09 PM
2747 Output 1 00290º 11002902 C++ 0.000 7/24/18, 12:59:34 PM
2764 Date Input and Output 00154º 11002588 C++ 0.000 7/24/18, 12:22:25 PM
2763 CPF Input and Output 00189º 11002551 C++ 0.000 7/24/18, 12:14:14 PM
2691 The Mathematician 00127º 10998657 C++ 0.000 7/23/18, 7:46:41 PM
2670 Coffee Machine 00594º 10997407 C++ 0.000 7/23/18, 5:50:52 PM
2717 Elf Time 00421º 10996984 C++ 0.000 7/23/18, 5:31:19 PM
1827 Square Array IV 01879º 7307643 C++ 0.096 6/12/17, 5:49:43 PM
2552 CheeseBreadSweeper 00549º 7307615 C++ 0.020 6/12/17, 5:46:39 PM
1873 Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spo... 00549º 7267627 C++ 0.000 6/8/17, 1:54:27 AM
1551 Complete Sentence 00227º 7267364 C++ 0.000 6/8/17, 1:28:00 AM
1581 International Chat 00678º 7264429 C++ 0.000 6/7/17, 8:19:00 PM
1607 Advancing Letters 00383º 7236663 C 0.000 6/5/17, 4:35:47 AM
2062 OBI URI 00374º 7236510 C++ 0.000 6/5/17, 3:23:52 AM
2167 Engine Failure 00310º 7235164 C 0.000 6/5/17, 12:23:05 AM
2176 Parity 00365º 7235156 C 0.000 6/5/17, 12:21:42 AM
2444 Volume da TV 00023º 7227703 C 0.000 6/4/17, 5:18:11 AM
2373 Garçom 00026º 7227690 C 0.000 6/4/17, 5:11:54 AM
2028 Sequence of Sequence 00223º 7227390 C 0.156 6/4/17, 3:42:14 AM
1189 Left Area 02149º 7227227 C 0.000 6/4/17, 3:13:59 AM
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