Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1283 Boxes and Stones 00053º 18822280 C++17 2.036 7/9/20, 9:10:17 PM
1320 Ingenious Metro 00064º 17574713 C++ 0.124 3/28/20, 6:24:20 AM
1390 Bases 00012º 17556990 C++ 0.008 3/27/20, 1:55:28 AM
3018 Gluing Pictures 00025º 16501493 C++ 0.404 11/24/19, 8:44:01 PM
2346 Back to the Future 00140º 16499343 C++ 0.456 11/24/19, 4:24:05 PM
2347 Counting Self-Rotating Subsets 00045º 16415473 C++17 0.616 11/14/19, 12:23:23 AM
2909 Gathering Red-Black Fruits 00025º 15951297 C++ 0.872 10/4/19, 12:34:11 AM
2913 KryptoLocker Ate my Homework 00032º 13473189 C++17 0.588 3/31/19, 4:13:19 AM
2910 Highway Decommission 00206º 13468859 C++ 0.352 3/30/19, 10:29:04 PM
1462 Popularity in the Facebook 00138º 10993608 C++ 0.764 7/23/18, 4:09:13 AM
1749 Galaxy Collision 00154º 10121706 C++ 1.028 10/20/17, 11:04:04 PM
1301 Interval Product 00736º 7835952 C++ 0.568 8/19/17, 12:52:24 AM
2012 Height Map 00081º 6519327 C++ 0.012 3/31/17, 8:27:15 PM
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