Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1082 Connected Components 00399º 7174475 C++ 0.012 5/30/17, 4:29:12 PM
1799 The Rat in a Maze 00053º 7173978 C 0.328 5/30/17, 4:22:11 PM
1076 Design Labirints 00434º 7173962 C 0.012 5/30/17, 4:19:27 PM
1256 Hash Tables 00382º 7174069 C 0.056 5/30/17, 3:59:48 PM
1257 Array Hash 01211º 7173806 C 0.012 5/30/17, 3:57:53 PM
1076 Design Labirints 01959º 7155294 C++ 0.016 5/29/17, 12:51:29 AM
1557 Square Matrix III 00867º 7155091 C 0.000 5/29/17, 12:40:29 AM
1478 Square Matrix II 04367º 7155103 C 0.096 5/29/17, 12:21:24 AM
1256 Hash Tables 00425º 7173828 C++ 0.056 5/29/17, 12:18:07 AM
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