Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1110 Throwing Cards Away 02178º 9330113 C++ 0.144 2/28/18, 10:58:27 AM
1550 Inversion 00231º 8721708 C++ 0.052 11/14/17, 1:45:10 PM
1855 Maester's Map 00619º 7786043 C++ 0.000 8/15/17, 11:55:37 AM
1082 Connected Components 01531º 7541883 C++ 0.056 7/15/17, 5:46:59 PM
1281 Going to the Market 02581º 7448867 C++ 0.120 7/1/17, 12:48:04 PM
1430 Jingle Composing 01663º 7448691 C++ 0.152 7/1/17, 10:52:08 AM
1258 T-Shirts 01540º 7448664 C++ 0.104 7/1/17, 10:06:48 AM
1424 Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? 00897º 7448614 C++ 0.444 7/1/17, 9:39:26 AM
1256 Hash Tables 00835º 7448591 C++ 0.096 7/1/17, 9:13:51 AM
1244 Sort by Length 02116º 7516573 C++ 0.120 6/30/17, 2:00:48 PM
1023 Drought 02112º 7442023 C++ 0.848 6/30/17, 12:38:08 PM
1022 TDA Rational 03283º 7437289 C++ 0.040 6/29/17, 7:12:46 PM
1025 Where is the Marble? 01915º 7437031 C++ 0.332 6/29/17, 6:33:28 PM
1069 Diamonds and Sand 04065º 9330019 C++ 0.008 6/5/17, 4:30:16 PM
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