Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1060 Positive Numbers 13534º 28231117 Python 3.9 0.045 5/30/22, 7:25:24 PM
1000 Hello World! 65697º 24942840 Python 3.8 0.119 10/18/21, 3:08:12 AM
1036 Bhaskara's Formula 26468º 24861697 C++ 0.000 10/12/21, 4:48:06 PM
1020 Age in Days 33849º 24860255 C++ 0.000 10/12/21, 3:00:02 PM
1013 The Greatest 36715º 24860044 C++17 0.000 10/12/21, 2:38:51 PM
1007 Difference 09529º 24798470 Python 3.8 0.003 10/7/21, 12:23:01 PM
1003 Simple Sum 50799º 28222829 Python 3.9 0.044 10/7/21, 10:49:00 AM
2654 Godofor 00023º 19661124 Python 3.8 0.001 9/17/20, 11:35:51 PM
1929 Triangle 00220º 19448914 Python 3.8 0.004 8/31/20, 7:37:20 PM
2187 Bits Exchanged 00002º 19395265 Python 3 0.000 8/31/20, 6:11:59 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 01139º 19373016 Python 3 0.228 8/29/20, 6:01:54 AM
2633 Barbecue at Yuri’s 00001º 19149420 Python 3 0.000 8/9/20, 3:50:41 AM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 00267º 19082712 Python 3 0.596 8/6/20, 3:27:55 PM
1244 Sort by Length 01543º 19070992 Python 3 0.252 8/5/20, 2:13:06 PM
1259 Even and Odd 00082º 19068007 Python 3 0.224 8/5/20, 3:18:31 AM
1172 Array Replacement I 09941º 10305616 C++17 0.000 5/9/18, 2:17:31 PM
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