Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1993 He is Lazy 00038º 10366039 C++17 0.180 5/6/18, 12:31:47 PM
1897 Smart Game 00196º 10127993 C++17 0.136 4/25/18, 5:05:37 AM
2032 Game of Eight 00025º 10196586 C++17 1.016 4/24/18, 8:30:54 AM
2589 The Biggest Prime Gap 00037º 9798422 C++17 0.488 4/4/18, 6:36:22 AM
1694 Lottery 00162º 9797762 C++17 0.692 4/4/18, 4:00:58 AM
1340 I Can Guess the Data... 01519º 9684593 C++17 0.008 3/27/18, 1:22:33 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 05818º 9684089 C++17 0.084 3/27/18, 12:50:26 AM
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