Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1323 Feynman 00398º 10818369 Python 0.132 6/27/18, 10:09:02 PM
1548 Canteen Queue 00410º 10818291 Python 0.016 6/27/18, 10:07:46 PM
1281 Going to the Market 00016º 10818270 Python 0.060 6/27/18, 10:05:48 PM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 00149º 10818244 Python 0.532 6/27/18, 10:02:49 PM
1214 Above Average 00195º 10818030 Python 0.284 6/27/18, 9:35:12 PM
2729 Shopping List 00274º 10431961 Python 0.036 5/18/18, 5:41:20 PM
1555 Functions 00048º 10431718 Python 0.040 5/18/18, 5:14:34 PM
1114 Fixed Password 00009º 10431184 Python 0.000 5/18/18, 4:31:09 PM
1240 Fit or Dont Fit I 00018º 10431287 Python 0.044 5/18/18, 4:24:42 PM
1009 Salary with Bonus 10541º 9839851 Python 0.008 4/6/18, 5:36:54 PM
1002 Area of a Circle 16013º 9839578 Python 0.008 4/6/18, 4:51:46 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 32664º 9839097 Python 0.016 4/6/18, 4:39:44 PM
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