Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2166 Square Root of 2 00022º 19391666 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 10:25:28 PM
1179 Array Fill IV 00071º 19391503 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 10:08:08 PM
1050 DDD 00148º 19390992 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 9:25:34 PM
1029 Fibonacci, How Many Calls? 00019º 19416998 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 8:28:37 PM
1186 Below the Secundary Diagonal 00022º 19389428 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 6:58:09 PM
1183 Above the Main Diagonal 00036º 19389325 Python 3.8 0.000 8/30/20, 6:38:07 PM
1181 Line in Array 00010º 19248704 Python 3.8 0.000 8/20/20, 12:40:24 AM
1180 Lowest Number and Position 00036º 19246296 Python 3.8 0.000 8/19/20, 9:06:38 PM
1177 Array Fill II 00019º 19245753 Python 3.8 0.000 8/19/20, 8:42:07 PM
1067 Odd Numbers 00042º 19245124 Python 3.8 0.000 8/19/20, 6:56:21 PM
1002 Area of a Circle 39614º 10314020 C 0.000 5/10/18, 12:59:32 AM
1001 Extremely Basic 47824º 10313909 C 0.000 5/10/18, 12:52:16 AM
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