Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2413 Busca na Internet 01041º 34002989 Python 3.8 0.023 6/5/23, 7:21:27 PM
1466 Level Order Tree Traversal 00045º 33573982 Python 3.9 1.093 5/15/23, 1:03:34 AM
1195 Binary Search Tree 00159º 33523271 Python 3.8 1.757 5/11/23, 11:39:25 PM
2460 Fila 00347º 33401453 Python 3.9 0.662 5/5/23, 6:30:23 PM
2065 Supermarket Line 00873º 34435883 C++17 0.042 5/5/23, 5:05:11 PM
2702 Hard Choice 02229º 32566912 C++17 0.000 3/27/23, 1:25:40 PM
1864 Our Days Are Never Coming Back 01788º 32565367 Python 3 0.083 3/27/23, 12:14:03 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 73363º 32564785 Python 3 0.060 3/27/23, 11:44:12 AM
1013 The Greatest 30942º 32564508 Python 3 0.129 3/27/23, 11:36:53 AM
1000 Hello World! 35735º 32476878 Python 3.8 0.020 3/22/23, 11:24:01 PM
3346 GDP Fluctuation 00070º 26761164 C++17 0.000 3/16/22, 7:16:03 PM
2374 Tire 00940º 20657029 C 0.000 11/27/20, 5:30:54 PM
1933 Tri-du 04155º 20654538 C++ 0.000 11/27/20, 1:57:45 PM
3068 Meteoros 00091º 20654233 C 0.079 11/27/20, 1:28:23 PM
2603 Customer Address 08675º 20653571 PostgreSQL 0.002 11/27/20, 12:28:24 PM
2602 Basic Select 08596º 20653549 PostgreSQL 0.001 11/27/20, 12:26:32 PM
1930 Electrical Outlet 04029º 20653483 C 0.000 11/27/20, 12:18:49 PM
2454 Flíper 01754º 20645372 C++ 0.000 11/26/20, 7:24:26 PM
2862 Insect! 00939º 20645268 C++ 0.000 11/26/20, 7:18:50 PM
2455 Gangorra 00655º 20642851 C 0.000 11/26/20, 4:30:27 PM
1866 Bill 04159º 20600619 C++ 0.000 11/22/20, 11:44:29 PM
1000 Hello World! 03650º 20600548 C++ 0.000 11/22/20, 11:34:21 PM
1524 Cafeteria Queue 00281º 5023992 C++ 0.008 8/25/16, 12:31:36 PM
1512 Tiles 00634º 4487189 C++ 0.016 5/27/16, 12:42:17 PM
1548 Canteen Queue 02072º 4487180 C++ 0.004 5/27/16, 12:36:54 PM
1957 Converting to Hexadecimal 00443º 4243816 C++ 0.000 4/29/16, 1:46:46 PM
1963 The Motion Picture 00483º 4243738 C++ 0.000 4/29/16, 1:39:05 PM
1985 MacPRONALTS 00610º 4238912 C++ 0.000 4/28/16, 10:23:21 PM
2006 Identifying Tea 00658º 4238662 C++ 0.000 4/28/16, 9:41:05 PM
1924 Vitória and Her Indecision 00618º 4238613 C++ 0.000 4/28/16, 9:33:42 PM
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