Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1058 Independent Attacking Zones 00002º 23683830 C# 0.515 7/21/21, 2:07:31 AM
1482 Long Night of Museums 00068º 23651877 C++ 0.669 7/18/21, 8:34:46 PM
1162 Train Swapping 00151º 22808789 Python 3 1.821 5/13/21, 10:26:25 PM
1524 Cafeteria Queue 00091º 16458688 C 0.004 11/19/19, 7:20:33 PM
1077 Infix to Posfix 00153º 12425335 C 0.000 12/2/18, 6:44:10 PM
1030 Flavious Josephus Legend 00578º 12419488 C 0.000 12/2/18, 1:33:14 AM
1025 Where is the Marble? 01619º 12418287 C 0.888 11/30/18, 9:53:30 PM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 02718º 12370925 C 0.596 11/27/18, 1:46:50 AM
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