Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1161 Factorial Sum 04810º 17072445 C 0.000 2/19/20, 5:59:49 PM
2845 Party at the North Pole 00078º 17070230 C 0.000 2/19/20, 2:42:30 PM
1028 Collectable Cards 02811º 17070084 C 0.012 2/19/20, 2:28:07 PM
2168 Twilight at Portland 00558º 17023284 C 0.000 2/14/20, 1:23:25 PM
1263 Alliteration 00768º 17023047 C 0.004 2/14/20, 12:54:26 PM
3065 Calculando 00057º 17017223 C 0.012 2/13/20, 6:11:22 PM
2187 Bits Exchanged 00143º 17010266 C 0.000 2/12/20, 6:40:44 PM
2175 What is the Fastest? 00430º 17008942 C 0.000 2/12/20, 4:14:19 PM
2466 Sinuca 00089º 17008701 C 0.000 2/12/20, 3:42:37 PM
2569 The 7 x 1 Witch 00097º 17007891 C 0.000 2/12/20, 1:44:26 PM
1467 Zero or One 02281º 17007215 C 0.004 2/12/20, 11:57:14 AM
2682 Fault Detector 00237º 17001813 C 0.000 2/11/20, 4:34:30 PM
2552 CheeseBreadSweeper 00994º 16971507 C 0.016 2/6/20, 8:21:20 PM
1441 Hailstone Sequences 00493º 16961148 C 0.004 2/5/20, 1:14:55 PM
1437 Turn Left! 00604º 16961017 C 0.000 2/5/20, 12:53:55 PM
2399 Campo Minado 00142º 16955353 C 0.000 2/4/20, 4:00:09 PM
2774 Sensor Accuracy 00119º 16954031 C 0.044 2/4/20, 1:25:15 PM
2718 Christmas Lights 00077º 16953837 C 0.000 1/30/20, 6:21:13 PM
2031 Rock, Paper, Airstrike 01506º 16923185 C 0.000 1/30/20, 5:09:31 PM
3058 Supermercado 00004º 16909108 C 0.000 1/28/20, 2:59:59 PM
3059 Pares de Números 00003º 16873438 C 0.000 1/22/20, 5:25:16 PM
3060 Parcelamento Sem Juros 00003º 16873354 C 0.000 1/22/20, 5:14:25 PM
3053 Jogo Dos Copos 00008º 16866673 C 0.000 1/21/20, 5:10:43 PM
3038 Encrypted Christmas Letter 00002º 16859946 C 0.000 1/20/20, 4:14:10 PM
3034 The Douglas Case 00002º 16837564 C 0.000 1/16/20, 7:59:35 PM
3037 Playing Darts by Distance 00004º 16823489 C 0.000 1/14/20, 5:05:01 PM
3039 Santa's Toys 00004º 16809474 C 0.000 1/12/20, 2:08:27 AM
3046 Dominó 00006º 16809416 C 0.000 1/12/20, 1:42:41 AM
3040 The Christmas Tree 00001º 16790533 C 0.000 1/8/20, 6:20:07 PM
3055 Nota Esquecida 00002º 16788561 C 0.000 1/8/20, 1:42:38 PM
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