Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1789 The Race of Slugs 00638º 14777301 Python 0.108 6/28/19, 6:57:45 AM
1071 Sum of Consecutive Odd... 04274º 14448130 Python 0.016 5/29/19, 4:34:52 AM
1165 Prime Number 04036º 14286060 Python 0.500 5/17/19, 11:41:22 PM
1065 Even Between five Numbers 05034º 13985067 Python 0.008 4/28/19, 4:19:15 AM
1235 Inside Out 00018º 13762789 Python 0.016 4/14/19, 10:59:57 PM
1009 Salary with Bonus 10618º 13453319 Python 0.008 3/30/19, 12:17:14 AM
1014 Consumption 10212º 13453137 Python 0.012 3/30/19, 12:07:16 AM
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