Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 00358º 20786802 C++17 0.000 12/8/20, 1:08:38 AM
1438 Unloading Boxes 00191º 20786791 C++17 0.000 12/8/20, 1:08:00 AM
1548 Canteen Queue 00860º 20786777 C++17 0.000 12/8/20, 1:06:58 AM
2413 Busca na Internet 01727º 20786753 C++17 0.000 12/8/20, 1:05:36 AM
1244 Sort by Length 00017º 20786679 C++17 0.003 12/8/20, 12:59:49 AM
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