Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1537 Bank Line 00032º 16650257 Python 3 0.088 12/11/19, 5:14:48 PM
1323 Feynman 00187º 16639787 Python 3 0.076 12/10/19, 2:28:38 PM
1124 Elevator 00189º 16540037 Python 3 0.048 11/28/19, 7:31:32 PM
1039 Fire Flowers 00378º 16538862 Python 3 0.028 11/28/19, 6:51:32 PM
1371 Close the Doors! 00114º 16479566 Python 3 0.052 11/22/19, 12:21:02 AM
1308 Etruscan Warriors Never... 00229º 16477713 Python 3 0.212 11/21/19, 7:35:54 PM
1198 Hashmat the Brave Warrior 00924º 16476542 Python 3 0.776 11/21/19, 6:40:38 PM
1774 Routers 00085º 16362558 Python 3 0.024 11/8/19, 1:23:58 AM
1152 Dark Roads 02416º 16359278 C++ 0.388 11/7/19, 7:25:05 PM
1907 Colouring Game Scenarios 00832º 16359260 C++ 0.240 11/7/19, 7:23:36 PM
2026 Christmas Tree 00040º 16361157 Python 3 0.032 11/7/19, 7:00:34 PM
2498 Help Vânia 00032º 16351972 Python 3 0.416 11/7/19, 2:53:55 AM
1166 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! 00155º 16272626 Python 3 0.212 10/30/19, 9:47:42 PM
2017 Six Strings 00066º 15885885 Python 3 0.124 9/29/19, 4:00:59 PM
1661 Wine Trading in Gergovia 00139º 15857552 Python 3 0.620 9/27/19, 1:01:53 AM
1281 Going to the Market 01035º 15436424 Python 3 0.280 8/30/19, 2:12:11 PM
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