Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1548 Canteen Queue 00484º 1623474 Python 0.020 2/24/15, 10:42:54 PM
1244 Sort by Length 00026º 1623463 Python 0.032 2/24/15, 10:36:20 PM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 00214º 1623425 Python 0.116 2/24/15, 10:20:44 PM
1228 Start Grid 00045º 1591014 Python 0.020 2/13/15, 11:22:05 PM
1104 Exchanging Cards 00893º 1590115 Python 0.184 2/13/15, 6:52:34 PM
1533 Detective Watson 00371º 1589924 Python 0.036 2/13/15, 6:21:04 PM
1245 Lost Boots 00163º 1589872 Python 0.192 2/13/15, 5:51:56 PM
1187 Top Area 01308º 1589703 Python 0.012 2/13/15, 5:37:01 PM
1160 Population Increase 01023º 1589600 Python 0.112 2/13/15, 5:11:21 PM
1541 Building Houses 00315º 1589449 Python 0.012 2/13/15, 4:43:48 PM
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