Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
3424 Finding Maximal Non-Trivial... 00006º 34496685 Python 3.9 0.014 7/10/23, 3:44:49 PM
3432 Intercepting Information 00056º 34496561 Python 3.9 0.023 7/10/23, 3:33:42 PM
3428 Eliminating Ballons 00011º 34495241 Python 3.9 0.776 7/9/23, 1:21:20 AM
1397 Game of The Greatest 01178º 32565615 Python 3.9 0.288 3/27/23, 12:27:41 PM
1030 Flavious Josephus Legend 00345º 32406157 Python 3.9 0.086 3/20/23, 1:41:46 PM
1166 Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! 00175º 32405188 Python 3.9 0.282 3/20/23, 1:07:16 PM
1387 Og 01423º 31242290 Python 3.8 0.347 12/12/22, 1:15:29 PM
1467 Zero or One 01112º 31242182 Python 3.8 0.193 12/12/22, 1:08:18 PM
1103 Alarm Clock 00580º 31241974 Python 3.8 0.011 12/12/22, 12:57:33 PM
1582 The Pythagorean Theorem 00444º 30910264 Python 3.8 0.098 11/21/22, 1:05:51 PM
1332 One-Two-Three 01956º 30232361 Python 3.9 0.105 10/6/22, 5:01:02 PM
1272 Hidden Message 02121º 30112501 Python 3.9 0.412 9/29/22, 5:09:22 PM
1738 Fiber Network 00439º 29849362 C++17 0.600 9/3/22, 7:12:51 PM
2414 Desafio do Maior Número 01260º 29335499 C++17 0.001 8/18/22, 5:55:00 PM
1087 Queen 02724º 29334733 C++17 0.000 8/18/22, 5:13:48 PM
2060 Bino's Challenge 03742º 29218045 C++17 0.000 8/11/22, 5:42:06 PM
1924 Vitória and Her Indecision 03241º 29217785 C++17 0.000 8/11/22, 5:32:37 PM
1858 Theon's Answer 03497º 29217511 C++17 0.000 8/11/22, 5:21:04 PM
1864 Our Days Are Never Coming Back 04201º 29217232 C++17 0.013 8/11/22, 5:09:47 PM
1789 The Race of Slugs 04289º 29216889 C++17 0.071 8/11/22, 4:55:16 PM
1564 Brazil World Cup 07057º 29216632 C++17 0.000 8/11/22, 4:42:43 PM
2683 Design Space 00553º 29190878 C++17 1.662 8/2/22, 1:37:36 AM
1706 Magical Candy Bridges 00205º 29072845 C++17 0.057 8/1/22, 7:19:51 PM
1973 Star Trek 01688º 26763719 C++17 0.648 3/16/22, 8:50:19 PM
1279 Leap Year or Not Leap Year... 00561º 24792326 Python 3.8 0.051 10/6/21, 10:24:04 PM
2780 Robot Basketball 01303º 24347371 C++17 0.000 9/6/21, 8:29:04 PM
1286 Motoboy 01937º 21919685 C++17 0.138 3/21/21, 12:48:19 AM
1029 Fibonacci, How Many Calls? 01625º 21886357 C++17 0.032 3/19/21, 12:08:42 AM
1003 Simple Sum 10456º 21332345 Python 3.8 0.001 2/5/21, 8:50:34 PM
1002 Area of a Circle 02559º 21331757 Python 3.8 0.000 2/5/21, 8:12:08 PM
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