Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2968 Hour for a Run 00290º 17135237 C++17 0.000 2/26/20, 6:49:22 AM
3039 Santa's Toys 00056º 17135083 C++17 0.000 2/26/20, 6:12:28 AM
1002 Area of a Circle 32753º 16830464 Python 3 0.020 1/15/20, 5:56:44 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 58564º 16830379 Python 3 0.028 1/15/20, 5:49:41 PM
1072 Interval 2 07837º 16807159 Python 3 0.024 1/11/20, 4:22:25 PM
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