Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2443 Soma de Frações 00025º 20812277 Python 3 0.001 12/10/20, 1:50:22 AM
2188 Capuchin Monkey 00034º 20812084 Python 3 0.051 12/10/20, 1:35:53 AM
1961 Jumping Frog 00092º 20792848 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:22:59 PM
1858 Theon's Answer 00084º 20792838 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:22:04 PM
1789 The Race of Slugs 00658º 20792823 Python 3 0.111 12/8/20, 3:20:58 PM
1180 Lowest Number and Position 00459º 20792785 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:18:04 PM
1160 Population Increase 00324º 20792752 Python 3 0.083 12/8/20, 3:15:34 PM
1157 Divisors I 00351º 20792736 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:14:41 PM
1154 Ages 00316º 20792720 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:13:22 PM
1153 Simple Factorial 00322º 20792698 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:11:59 PM
1151 Easy Fibonacci 00310º 20792663 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:08:42 PM
1146 Growing Sequences 01249º 20792637 Python 3 0.583 12/8/20, 3:06:28 PM
1133 Rest of a Division 00287º 20792624 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:05:48 PM
1114 Fixed Password 00532º 20792595 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 3:03:25 PM
1113 Ascending and Descending 05739º 20792589 Python 3 0.021 12/8/20, 3:02:37 PM
1103 Alarm Clock 00052º 20792548 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:59:29 PM
1165 Prime Number 00007º 20792464 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:52:13 PM
1078 Multiplication Table 00568º 20792426 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:49:40 PM
1075 Remaining 2 00522º 20792398 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:47:20 PM
2663 Phase 00050º 20792281 Python 3 0.002 12/8/20, 2:35:27 PM
2252 Discovering Password 00150º 20814828 Python 3 0.079 12/8/20, 2:29:12 PM
2189 Kermesse 00108º 20792172 Python 3 0.002 12/8/20, 2:28:00 PM
2167 Engine Failure 00048º 20792151 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:26:39 PM
1609 Counting Sheep 00481º 20792132 Python 3 0.082 12/8/20, 2:24:54 PM
1940 Strategy Game 00027º 20792115 Python 3 0.044 12/8/20, 2:23:26 PM
1867 The Greater One-digit Number 00022º 20792097 Python 3 0.000 12/8/20, 2:22:07 PM
1471 Dangerous Dive 00367º 20779987 Python 3 0.134 12/7/20, 3:42:54 PM
1441 Hailstone Sequences 00253º 20779723 Python 3 0.223 12/7/20, 3:15:32 PM
1089 Musical Loop 00045º 20779239 Python 3 0.017 12/7/20, 2:31:27 PM
1074 Even or Odd 00247º 20605531 Python 3 0.000 11/23/20, 3:04:03 PM
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