Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
3100 The Lucky Digits 00006º 19132687 C++17 0.000 8/11/20, 7:27:07 AM
3109 Desk Updates 00008º 19049305 C++ 0.000 8/3/20, 1:52:36 AM
3087 The Padawan Jorge 00031º 19048856 C++ 0.016 8/3/20, 1:39:56 AM
1780 Robots Formation 00018º 18981481 C++ 0.008 7/27/20, 2:28:56 AM
3098 Plindrome 00057º 19088831 C++ 0.044 7/7/20, 2:34:44 AM
3096 Overflow 00027º 19116460 C++ 0.000 7/7/20, 1:52:27 AM
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