Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1008 Salary 00623º 19716544 Python 3.8 0.000 9/21/20, 5:44:19 PM
1009 Salary with Bonus 09749º 19716674 Python 3.8 0.007 9/21/20, 5:49:31 PM
1011 Sphere 05265º 19753726 Python 3.8 0.001 9/23/20, 12:44:02 PM
1049 Animal 13307º 19753758 Python 3.8 0.037 9/23/20, 1:22:03 PM
1050 DDD 05311º 19753793 Python 3.8 0.016 9/23/20, 1:23:46 PM
1051 Taxes 05005º 23106582 Python 3.8 0.016 9/23/20, 1:24:49 PM
1095 Sequence IJ 1 00312º 20129013 Python 3.8 0.000 10/14/20, 11:16:36 PM
1066 Even, Odd, Positive and... 05830º 20129037 Python 3.8 0.014 10/14/20, 11:18:21 PM
1073 Even Square 00302º 20186072 Python 3.8 0.000 10/19/20, 12:07:20 PM
1094 Experiments 03068º 20186081 Python 3.8 0.034 10/19/20, 12:10:34 PM
1101 Sequence of Numbers and Sum 00232º 20200362 Python 3.8 0.000 10/20/20, 12:12:06 PM
1118 Several Scores with Validation 03717º 20200370 Python 3.8 0.037 10/20/20, 12:14:13 PM
1134 Type of Fuel 01462º 20200396 Python 3.8 0.001 10/20/20, 12:17:11 PM
1143 Squared and Cubic 00234º 20200400 Python 3.8 0.000 10/20/20, 12:19:11 PM
1158 Sum of Consecutive Odd... 01478º 20200409 Python 3.8 0.105 10/20/20, 12:19:49 PM
1165 Prime Number 05285º 20200423 Python 3.8 0.666 10/20/20, 12:21:25 PM
1178 Array Fill III 00247º 20402090 Python 3.8 0.000 11/4/20, 9:59:07 PM
1179 Array Fill IV 00375º 20451643 Python 3.8 0.000 11/9/20, 12:14:16 PM
1183 Above the Main Diagonal 01522º 20451654 Python 3.8 0.005 11/9/20, 12:15:35 PM
1186 Below the Secundary Diagonal 00113º 20451662 Python 3.8 0.000 11/9/20, 12:16:26 PM
1873 Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spo... 00036º 20451680 Python 3.8 0.000 11/9/20, 12:19:11 PM
2242 Huaauhahhuahau 00658º 20451690 Python 3.8 0.017 11/9/20, 12:20:29 PM
2714 My Temporary Password 00012º 20451723 Python 3.8 0.000 11/9/20, 12:23:43 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 04403º 23027005 Python 3.9 0.000 5/27/21, 9:37:33 PM
1006 Average 2 38658º 23002644 Python 3.9 0.044 5/27/21, 9:39:32 PM
1016 Distance 01425º 23027437 Python 3.9 0.000 5/29/21, 9:03:37 PM
1048 Salary Increase 00926º 23106608 Python 3.9 0.000 6/4/21, 9:54:34 PM
1052 Month 00658º 23106637 Python 3.9 0.000 6/4/21, 9:56:17 PM
1172 Array Replacement I 00733º 23494862 Python 3.9 0.000 7/5/21, 6:12:13 PM
2167 Engine Failure 00478º 23510271 Python 3.9 0.010 7/6/21, 8:23:13 PM
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