Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1079 Weighted Averages 00062º 19467866 Python 0.000 9/5/20, 6:59:22 AM
2146 Password 00006º 19467616 Python 3.8 0.003 9/5/20, 6:32:30 AM
1159 Sum of Consecutive Even... 00029º 19467524 Python 3.8 0.000 9/5/20, 6:23:26 AM
1001 Extremely Basic 00709º 19467214 Python 3.8 0.000 9/5/20, 5:29:00 AM
1000 Hello World! 00271º 19467153 Python 3.8 0.000 9/5/20, 5:25:21 AM
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