Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1000 Hello World! 56913º 19480250 Python 3.8 0.074 9/6/20, 9:14:26 AM
1001 Extremely Basic 00732º 19480016 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 8:01:31 AM
1002 Area of a Circle 00597º 19480862 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 9:16:23 AM
1003 Simple Sum 00550º 19480920 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 11:46:03 AM
1004 Simple Product 00530º 19480026 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 8:10:38 AM
1005 Average 1 09692º 19480902 Python 3.8 0.002 9/6/20, 11:42:01 AM
1006 Average 2 01554º 20629449 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 8:14:10 AM
1007 Difference 00368º 19480956 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 11:49:42 AM
1008 Salary 15398º 19481046 Python 3.8 0.016 9/6/20, 11:56:57 AM
1009 Salary with Bonus 00369º 19481119 Python 3.8 0.000 9/6/20, 12:17:13 PM
1010 Simple Calculate 00340º 19579116 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 7:48:25 AM
1011 Sphere 00361º 19579156 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 8:14:42 AM
1012 Area 00279º 19579199 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 8:27:35 AM
1013 The Greatest 00245º 19579432 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 9:02:55 AM
1014 Consumption 00368º 19579500 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 9:27:52 AM
1015 Distance Between Two Points 00291º 19579539 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 9:40:34 AM
1016 Distance 00305º 19579554 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 9:48:47 AM
1017 Fuel Spent 00354º 19579586 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 9:54:17 AM
1018 Banknotes 00297º 19579670 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 10:11:51 AM
1019 Time Conversion 00324º 19579704 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 10:18:38 AM
1020 Age in Days 00330º 19579908 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 10:26:42 AM
1021 Banknotes and Coins 00203º 19579958 Python 3.8 0.000 9/13/20, 10:34:59 AM
1035 Selection Test 1 00292º 19682146 Python 3.8 0.000 9/17/20, 3:52:08 PM
1036 Bhaskara's Formula 05093º 19695610 Python 3.8 0.010 9/20/20, 6:35:59 AM
1037 Interval 00316º 19682316 Python 3.8 0.000 9/19/20, 6:03:29 AM
1038 Snack 00306º 19695671 Python 3.8 0.000 9/20/20, 6:53:41 AM
1040 Average 3 00298º 19696053 Python 3.8 0.000 9/20/20, 7:29:16 AM
1041 Coordinates of a Point 00239º 19682535 Python 3.8 0.000 9/19/20, 6:13:14 AM
1042 Simple Sort 07397º 19682768 Python 3.8 0.019 9/19/20, 7:28:32 AM
1043 Triangle 00243º 19696171 Python 3.8 0.000 9/20/20, 9:13:08 AM
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