Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1025 Where is the Marble? 00609º 19819680 Python 3.8 1.509 9/26/20, 5:24:36 AM
1026 To Carry or not to Carry 00083º 19806000 Python 3.8 0.229 9/25/20, 9:08:49 PM
1248 Diet Plan 00046º 19805248 Python 3.8 0.160 9/25/20, 8:21:28 PM
1029 Fibonacci, How Many Calls? 00027º 19793924 Python 3.8 0.000 9/25/20, 7:03:14 AM
1028 Collectable Cards 00739º 19793769 Python 3.8 0.219 9/25/20, 6:27:16 AM
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