Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1161 Factorial Sum 02360º 20986094 Python 3 0.048 12/27/20, 7:33:49 AM
1029 Fibonacci, How Many Calls? 01539º 20986254 Python 3 0.226 12/30/20, 4:32:23 AM
1221 Fast Prime Number 01373º 20986336 Python 3 0.614 12/30/20, 4:48:41 AM
1805 Natural Sum 00967º 20986739 Python 3 0.107 12/30/20, 6:09:53 AM
1921 Guilherme and His Kites 00007º 20986835 Python 3 0.000 12/30/20, 6:29:23 AM
1022 TDA Rational 00749º 20986994 Python 3 0.178 12/30/20, 6:51:36 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 00009º 20994099 Python 3 0.018 12/31/20, 3:37:57 AM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 00625º 20994907 Python 3 0.798 12/31/20, 6:23:52 AM
1234 Dancing Sentence 02027º 21058707 Python 3 0.726 1/8/21, 2:46:42 AM
1235 Inside Out 02397º 21058880 Python 3 0.362 1/8/21, 3:23:29 AM
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