Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2502 Deciphering the Encrypted Card 00071º 21089372 Python 3 0.016 1/11/21, 7:25:15 PM
1237 Compare Substring 00249º 21079613 Python 3 0.956 1/10/21, 5:06:08 PM
2108 Counting Characters 00035º 21062783 Python 3 0.000 1/8/21, 4:56:27 PM
1266 Tornado! 00054º 21083676 Python 3 0.376 1/8/21, 4:20:27 AM
1787 URI 00003º 21061727 Python 3 1.029 1/7/21, 9:38:39 PM
1277 Short Attendance 00032º 21046300 Python 3 0.011 1/6/21, 5:26:10 PM
1516 Image 00266º 21040635 Python 3 0.107 1/6/21, 1:21:37 AM
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