Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1197 Back to High School Physics 00412º 21129655 Python 3.8 0.209 1/16/21, 12:43:13 AM
1221 Fast Prime Number 00375º 21125117 Python 3.8 0.177 1/15/21, 5:21:17 PM
2852 Messaging 00010º 21124105 Python 3.8 0.565 1/15/21, 3:36:32 PM
1105 Sub-prime 00021º 21120515 Python 3.8 0.019 1/15/21, 12:49:54 AM
1161 Factorial Sum 00304º 21118165 Python 3.8 0.005 1/14/21, 8:19:58 PM
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