Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1000 Hello World! 27211º 29619257 C99 0.000 9/3/22, 2:17:35 AM
1000 Hello World! 40150º 29619205 Python 3.8 0.030 11/3/21, 6:28:52 PM
1000 Hello World! 14098º 25043010 C++ 0.000 10/25/21, 3:03:40 AM
2679 Even Successor 00666º 22825794 Python 3.8 0.034 5/14/21, 11:59:55 PM
3093 Guys' Truco 1.0 00141º 22825655 Python 3.8 0.070 5/14/21, 11:57:52 PM
3005 Stacks of Parallelepipeds 00053º 22825352 Python 3.8 0.028 5/14/21, 11:44:52 PM
3060 Parcelamento Sem Juros 00148º 22824931 Python 3.8 0.019 5/14/21, 11:13:45 PM
3174 Noel's Work Groups 00085º 22824551 Python 3.8 0.002 5/14/21, 11:08:31 PM
2514 Lunar Alignment 00181º 22824331 Python 3.8 0.061 5/14/21, 10:54:52 PM
3159 Big Brick 00045º 22824141 Python 3.8 0.103 5/14/21, 10:21:34 PM
3141 Age Doubt 00100º 22822866 Python 3.8 0.039 5/14/21, 9:09:01 PM
2594 Eachians II 00167º 22801379 Python 3.8 0.182 5/13/21, 2:10:29 PM
3209 Electrical Outlets 00183º 22789854 Python 3.8 0.013 5/12/21, 8:08:09 PM
2091 Lonely Number 00192º 22639286 Python 3.8 0.137 5/2/21, 9:05:20 PM
1911 Help Girafales 00153º 22639256 Python 3.8 0.008 5/2/21, 9:03:37 PM
1449 The Fantastic Jaspion 00089º 22639174 Python 3.8 0.013 5/2/21, 8:57:07 PM
1763 Santa's Translator 00258º 22638288 Python 3.8 0.673 5/2/21, 8:01:55 PM
1430 Jingle Composing 00622º 22638215 Python 3.8 0.828 5/2/21, 7:59:54 PM
1281 Going to the Market 00797º 22638054 Python 3.8 0.214 5/2/21, 7:51:25 PM
2654 Godofor 00032º 22637188 Python 3.8 0.004 5/2/21, 6:58:29 PM
2949 The Fellowship of the Ring 00923º 22636317 Python 3.8 0.204 5/2/21, 5:48:31 PM
3090 Battlefield 00002º 22509952 Python 3.8 0.213 4/24/21, 2:46:26 PM
3146 Riddles in the Dark 00251º 22440829 Python 3.8 0.046 4/20/21, 4:25:49 PM
2102 Counting in Chinese 00051º 22510411 Python 3.8 0.024 4/20/21, 2:57:45 AM
3152 Samuel The Coffee Grower 00052º 22432441 Python 3.8 0.009 4/20/21, 1:23:53 AM
2871 Coffee Harvest 00010º 22431895 Python 3.8 0.089 4/20/21, 12:48:51 AM
3129 Repeated Stickers 00071º 22431658 Python 3.8 0.046 4/20/21, 12:38:46 AM
2463 Corredor 00073º 22475652 Python 3.8 0.073 4/19/21, 9:10:08 PM
2450 Matrix Ladder 00071º 22432675 Python 3.8 0.094 4/19/21, 8:31:40 PM
2410 Frequencia na Aula 00380º 22426408 Python 3.8 0.358 4/19/21, 5:27:32 PM
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