Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2929 Smallest on the Stack 00362º 29753943 C99 0.754 9/10/22, 10:39:12 PM
2780 Robot Basketball 01371º 25477476 C++ 0.000 11/29/21, 11:45:43 PM
3139 Seeking New Followers 00217º 25477399 C++ 0.432 11/29/21, 11:38:28 PM
2381 Call List 00785º 25477287 C++ 0.000 11/29/21, 11:29:13 PM
1715 Handball 00743º 25476966 C++ 0.000 11/29/21, 11:11:11 PM
1466 Level Order Tree Traversal 00841º 25317720 C++ 0.268 11/15/21, 7:28:06 PM
1200 BST Operations I 01032º 25317566 C++ 0.000 11/15/21, 7:19:04 PM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 04525º 24764511 C++ 0.241 10/5/21, 10:58:08 AM
3163 Flying Control 00029º 24764501 C++ 0.000 10/5/21, 10:57:07 AM
3162 Space Communication 00032º 24506545 C++ 0.000 9/18/21, 7:32:27 PM
2633 Barbecue at Yuri’s 00294º 24506281 Python 3.8 0.022 9/18/21, 6:46:58 PM
1167 Summer Camp 00329º 24505712 C++ 0.084 9/18/21, 6:30:19 PM
2984 Outstanding Issues 00135º 24505468 C++ 0.000 9/18/21, 6:08:16 PM
1069 Diamonds and Sand 02049º 24505291 Python 3.8 0.200 9/18/21, 5:51:26 PM
2417 Campeonato 00378º 24505253 Python 3.9 0.041 9/18/21, 5:47:39 PM
2408 Vice-Campeão 00758º 24505219 C++ 0.000 9/18/21, 5:43:12 PM
2434 Saldo do Vovô 00719º 24505190 C++ 0.000 9/18/21, 5:38:48 PM
1930 Electrical Outlet 00928º 24505128 Python 3.8 0.016 9/18/21, 5:31:47 PM
3126 Training List 00200º 24438199 C++ 0.000 9/13/21, 10:58:45 PM
2534 General Exam 00691º 24434459 Python 3.8 0.067 9/13/21, 6:57:26 PM
3303 Big Word 00299º 24434211 Python 3.8 0.007 9/13/21, 6:09:13 PM
2373 Garçom 01104º 24351593 C++ 0.000 9/7/21, 2:33:33 AM
2761 Input and Output of Various... 00543º 24351366 C++ 0.000 9/7/21, 2:11:11 AM
2547 Roller Coaster 00643º 24351267 Python 3.8 0.155 9/7/21, 1:58:20 AM
2414 Desafio do Maior Número 01069º 24351075 C++ 0.000 7/26/21, 11:46:35 PM
2455 Gangorra 01545º 23240960 C++ 0.000 6/15/21, 10:56:35 PM
2679 Even Successor 01265º 23240941 C++ 0.041 6/15/21, 10:54:57 PM
2344 Notas da Prova 01747º 23240911 C++ 0.000 6/15/21, 10:53:01 PM
3046 Dominó 00352º 23159587 C 0.000 6/9/21, 12:26:52 AM
3047 A idade de Dona Mônica 00405º 23159564 C 0.000 6/9/21, 12:25:56 AM
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