Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1091 Division of Nlogonia 00022º 21581049 Python 3.8 0.001 2/27/21, 3:55:44 PM
1087 Queen 00021º 21580535 Python 3.8 0.008 2/27/21, 3:12:57 PM
1032 Joseph’s Cousin 00063º 21570737 Python 3.8 0.107 2/26/21, 5:05:50 PM
1031 Power Crisis 00385º 21568151 Python 3.8 0.140 2/26/21, 2:15:37 AM
1030 Flavious Josephus Legend 01069º 21517362 Python 3.8 0.281 2/22/21, 6:34:44 PM
1026 To Carry or not to Carry 01685º 21510379 Python 3.8 1.008 2/22/21, 2:41:28 AM
1116 Dividing X by Y 00065º 21501293 Python 3.8 0.028 2/21/21, 3:02:45 PM
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