Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
2018 Christmas Olympics 00090º 22518401 Python 3.9 0.087 4/25/21, 1:51:36 AM
2136 Friends of Habay 00030º 22469887 Python 3.9 0.000 4/22/21, 3:20:41 AM
1110 Throwing Cards Away 00692º 22469720 Python 3.9 0.836 4/22/21, 3:02:19 AM
2137 The Library of Mr. Severino 00109º 22105891 Python 3.8 0.003 4/1/21, 5:38:07 AM
1258 T-Shirts 00143º 22105865 Python 3.8 0.148 4/1/21, 5:14:13 AM
1257 Array Hash 00647º 22071346 Python 3.8 0.784 3/30/21, 4:45:26 AM
1259 Even and Odd 03171º 22071157 Python 3.8 0.921 3/30/21, 3:58:07 AM
2984 Outstanding Issues 00065º 22070123 Python 3.8 0.032 3/30/21, 2:09:26 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 00582º 22053230 Python 3.8 0.164 3/29/21, 2:52:55 AM
1069 Diamonds and Sand 00606º 22050890 Python 3 0.054 3/29/21, 12:02:06 AM
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