Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1000 Hello World! 72565º 23339109 Python 3.9 0.272 6/23/21, 5:36:29 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 46423º 23340586 Python 3.9 0.021 6/23/21, 7:03:46 PM
1002 Area of a Circle 69032º 23348004 Python 3.9 0.197 6/22/21, 7:33:12 PM
1003 Simple Sum 59846º 23340717 Python 3.9 0.083 6/23/21, 7:21:17 PM
1004 Simple Product 44723º 23340877 Python 3.9 0.034 6/23/21, 7:26:42 PM
1005 Average 1 59178º 23348037 Python 3.9 0.197 6/23/21, 7:41:10 PM
1006 Average 2 49235º 23348048 Python 3.9 0.121 6/24/21, 4:51:30 AM
1007 Difference 50085º 23347921 Python 3.9 0.094 6/24/21, 4:24:56 AM
1008 Salary 41833º 23348083 Python 3.9 0.062 6/24/21, 4:59:43 AM
1009 Salary with Bonus 14375º 23348136 Python 3.9 0.016 6/24/21, 5:09:54 AM
1010 Simple Calculate 30841º 23361971 Python 3.9 0.055 6/25/21, 6:06:51 AM
1011 Sphere 34975º 23368394 Python 3.9 0.084 6/25/21, 6:33:13 AM
1012 Area 34598º 23368551 Python 3.9 0.234 6/25/21, 6:40:15 AM
1013 The Greatest 05038º 23362156 Python 3.9 0.003 6/25/21, 7:10:02 AM
1014 Consumption 01826º 23362180 Python 3.9 0.000 6/25/21, 7:12:27 AM
1015 Distance Between Two Points 27621º 23368724 Python 3.9 0.058 6/25/21, 7:19:13 AM
1016 Distance 11580º 23362191 Python 3.9 0.019 6/25/21, 7:16:44 AM
1017 Fuel Spent 32324º 23362241 Python 3.9 0.163 6/25/21, 7:23:33 AM
1018 Banknotes 16458º 23314718 Python 3.9 0.024 6/21/21, 7:16:41 PM
1019 Time Conversion 05188º 23368774 Python 3.9 0.004 6/25/21, 7:40:00 PM
1020 Age in Days 29080º 23368830 Python 3.9 0.113 6/25/21, 7:43:52 PM
1021 Banknotes and Coins 17754º 23369175 Python 3.9 0.092 6/25/21, 7:56:42 PM
1022 TDA Rational 01195º 23559377 Python 3.9 0.303 7/11/21, 2:04:52 AM
1025 Where is the Marble? 00600º 23559508 Python 3.9 1.488 7/11/21, 2:25:52 AM
1026 To Carry or not to Carry 01928º 23723074 Python 3.9 1.283 7/24/21, 4:08:31 AM
1030 Flavious Josephus Legend 00745º 23723088 Python 3.9 0.144 7/24/21, 4:11:18 AM
1035 Selection Test 1 19111º 23374916 Python 3.9 0.037 6/26/21, 4:11:58 AM
1036 Bhaskara's Formula 08366º 23386543 Python 3.9 0.018 6/27/21, 3:36:54 AM
1037 Interval 25811º 23386662 Python 3.9 0.097 6/27/21, 3:57:25 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 01241º 23559595 Python 3.9 0.238 7/11/21, 2:40:50 AM
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