Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1251 Tell me the Frequencies! 00083º 24338317 C# 1.796 9/6/21, 1:00:33 AM
1244 Sort by Length 00029º 24333820 C# 0.126 9/5/21, 7:11:17 PM
1259 Even and Odd 00071º 24313171 C# 0.780 9/3/21, 8:01:10 PM
1234 Dancing Sentence 00020º 24309497 C# 0.144 9/3/21, 3:52:15 PM
1021 Banknotes and Coins 03297º 24335383 C# 0.030 9/2/21, 6:57:28 PM
1020 Age in Days 02090º 24294635 C# 0.011 9/2/21, 5:34:32 PM
1019 Time Conversion 00453º 24293974 C# 0.000 9/2/21, 5:05:20 PM
1018 Banknotes 00368º 24293537 C# 0.000 9/2/21, 3:41:01 PM
1013 The Greatest 00483º 24291921 C# 0.000 9/2/21, 2:50:55 PM
1010 Simple Calculate 06509º 24291624 C# 0.025 9/2/21, 2:29:34 PM
1009 Salary with Bonus 00844º 27868233 C# 0.000 9/2/21, 1:44:24 PM
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