Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1008 Salary 51458º 25386190 Python 3.9 0.722 11/21/21, 7:16:58 PM
1007 Difference 43618º 24586707 Python 3.9 0.055 9/24/21, 1:41:21 AM
1004 Simple Product 58752º 24515331 Python 3.9 0.099 9/19/21, 6:41:16 PM
1003 Simple Sum 60397º 24515309 Python 3.9 0.089 9/19/21, 6:39:46 PM
3302 Correct Answer 00545º 24515112 Python 3.9 0.087 9/19/21, 6:16:36 PM
1002 Area of a Circle 12002º 24515036 Python 3.9 0.003 9/19/21, 5:40:27 PM
1001 Extremely Basic 05076º 24515017 Python 3.9 0.000 9/19/21, 5:29:52 PM
1000 Hello World! 35804º 24514605 Python 3.9 0.021 9/19/21, 5:26:38 PM
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