Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1340 I Can Guess the Data... 00929º 4079049 C 0.528 4/10/16, 4:54:50 PM
1256 Hash Tables 00370º 4061606 C 0.056 4/8/16, 1:21:29 PM
1364 Emoticons :-) 00117º 4392518 C 0.352 3/24/16, 6:55:52 PM
1127 Musical Plagiarism 00068º 3916416 C 0.128 3/23/16, 12:17:14 AM
1243 How Easy 00217º 3887635 C 0.016 3/19/16, 7:27:02 PM
1003 Simple Sum 10673º 3863341 C 0.000 3/17/16, 1:31:20 AM
1041 Coordinates of a Point 03991º 3863186 C 0.000 3/17/16, 12:52:46 AM
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