Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1002 Area of a Circle 18562º 2820887 Python 0.012 9/13/15, 1:42:45 AM
1001 Extremely Basic 24895º 2820859 Python 0.012 9/13/15, 1:36:39 AM
1169 Grains in a Chess Board 00985º 2817760 Python 0.028 9/12/15, 2:23:57 PM
1036 Bhaskara's Formula 05532º 2840766 Python 0.012 9/12/15, 1:26:21 PM
1080 Highest and Position 06357º 2817353 Python 0.020 9/12/15, 12:47:35 PM
1060 Positive Numbers 06851º 2817291 Python 0.016 9/12/15, 12:40:10 PM
1048 Salary Increase 04303º 2817269 Python 0.012 9/12/15, 12:34:14 PM
1014 Consumption 18757º 2817200 Python 0.024 9/12/15, 12:03:30 PM
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