Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1606 The Hints of Ali Baba 00085º 1002865 C++ 0.072 8/23/14, 8:25:49 PM
1604 Pair-voting in The Board of... 00014º 1019450 C++ 0.084 8/23/14, 8:16:01 PM
1599 Peaks of Atlas 00178º 1002890 C++ 0.328 8/23/14, 7:54:10 PM
1602 Hyperprimes 00094º 1002982 C++ 0.048 8/23/14, 7:53:12 PM
1066 Even, Odd, Positive and... 02763º 1002019 C++ 0.000 8/23/14, 2:06:27 PM
1003 Simple Sum 08452º 1001963 C++ 0.000 8/23/14, 2:00:20 PM
1507 Subsequences 00912º 0536964 C++ 0.128 3/8/14, 11:03:06 PM
1124 Elevator 00122º 0444660 C++ 0.000 2/1/14, 6:52:34 PM
1039 Fire Flowers 00197º 0444608 C++ 0.000 2/1/14, 6:38:44 PM
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