Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1790 Detecting Bridges 00013º 3699969 C 0.000 2/25/16, 2:55:42 PM
1362 My T-Shirt Suits Me 00020º 4504924 C 0.008 5/30/16, 6:49:05 AM
1923 Rerisson and The Barbecue 00005º 3721866 C 0.008 2/29/16, 1:41:29 AM
1454 The Country of Bicycles 00043º 4530502 C 0.012 5/30/16, 11:45:12 PM
1123 Route Change 00235º 4501555 C 0.016 5/29/16, 6:04:34 PM
1056 Factors and Multiples 00009º 4537557 C 0.024 6/2/16, 1:02:16 AM
1677 The Bottom of a Graph 00004º 4325620 C 0.028 5/7/16, 6:42:54 PM
1764 Itinerary of Santa Claus 00146º 4318245 C 0.032 5/6/16, 9:41:05 PM
1835 Campaign's Promise 00109º 3700436 C 0.036 2/25/16, 4:34:42 PM
1128 Come and Go 00158º 3748365 C 0.076 3/3/16, 5:03:58 PM
1152 Dark Roads 00170º 4318268 C 0.080 5/6/16, 2:17:51 PM
1799 The Rat in a Maze 00006º 3737115 C 0.144 3/2/16, 3:36:08 AM
1956 Acacias 00005º 4326911 C 0.544 5/7/16, 12:36:17 AM
1148 Countries at War 00397º 4485244 C 1.056 5/27/16, 1:48:25 AM
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