Check out all the problems this user has already solved.

Problem Problem Name Ranking Submission Language Runtime Submission Date
1162 Train Swapping 00333º 7156957 C++ 0.068 5/29/17, 3:17:39 AM
1899 Hit the Target! 00028º 7396184 Python 0.056 6/24/17, 2:28:59 AM
1030 Flavious Josephus Legend 00424º 7396162 Python 0.096 6/24/17, 2:27:00 AM
1512 Tiles 00040º 7396056 Python 0.052 6/24/17, 2:14:44 AM
1551 Complete Sentence 00581º 7396050 Python 0.044 6/24/17, 2:13:36 AM
1287 Friendly Int Parser 00034º 7396035 Python 0.160 6/24/17, 2:11:48 AM
1278 Justifier II 00057º 7396027 Python 0.056 6/24/17, 2:10:42 AM
2455 Gangorra 00657º 7396001 Python 0.024 6/24/17, 2:08:11 AM
2456 Cards 00246º 7395988 Python 0.012 6/24/17, 2:07:09 AM
2457 Letras 00334º 7395974 Python 0.028 6/24/17, 2:06:12 AM
1257 Array Hash 00005º 7395873 Python 0.232 6/24/17, 1:55:37 AM
1069 Diamonds and Sand 00449º 7395847 Python 0.048 6/24/17, 1:51:58 AM
1068 Parenthesis Balance I 02292º 7395834 Python 0.416 6/24/17, 1:49:08 AM
1256 Hash Tables 00138º 7275528 Python 0.300 6/8/17, 8:15:19 PM
1211 Economic Phonebook 00020º 7275293 Python 0.232 6/8/17, 7:53:43 PM
1244 Sort by Length 00444º 7256465 Python 0.088 6/7/17, 2:47:23 AM
1251 Tell me the Frequencies! 00016º 7256398 Python 0.212 6/7/17, 2:24:42 AM
1259 Even and Odd 00031º 7256147 Python 0.204 6/7/17, 2:12:24 AM
1084 Erasing and Winning 00103º 7243292 Python 0.968 6/5/17, 2:41:53 AM
1077 Infix to Posfix 00088º 7156502 Python 0.076 5/29/17, 12:54:04 AM
1088 Bubbles and Buckets 00039º 7153529 Python 1.828 5/28/17, 9:35:44 PM
1120 Contract Revision 00158º 7094725 Python 0.008 5/23/17, 3:17:46 AM
1023 Drought 00038º 7094544 Python 2.148 5/23/17, 1:15:45 AM
1014 Consumption 08046º 4901807 Python 0.008 8/10/16, 6:41:16 AM
2029 Honey Reservoir 00132º 4068819 Python 0.004 4/9/16, 3:50:03 AM
2031 Rock, Paper, Airstrike 00279º 4068754 Python 0.012 4/9/16, 3:33:17 AM
1013 The Greatest 07776º 4068677 Python 0.012 4/9/16, 3:21:47 AM
1012 Area 08222º 4068656 Python 0.012 4/9/16, 3:15:44 AM
1011 Sphere 09088º 4068622 Python 0.012 4/9/16, 3:07:42 AM
1010 Simple Calculate 09040º 4068601 Python 0.012 4/9/16, 3:00:40 AM
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