Presentation error - Não sei o que fazer.

Instagram-pedro_leocir asked 5 years ago

try: while(True): result = 0 ano = int(input()) if((ano % 4 == 0 and ano % 100 != 0) or (ano % 400 == 0)):#leap result += 1 if(ano % 15 == 0):#hulu result += 2 if((result == 1 or result == 3 or result == 5 or result == 7) and (ano % 55 == 0)):#bulu result += 4 if(result == 1): print("This is leap year.") elif(result == 2): print("This is huluculu festival year.") elif(result == 3): print("This is leap year.\nThis is huluculu festival year.") elif(result == 5): print("This is leap year.\nThis is bulukulu festival year.") elif(result == 7): print("This is leap year.\nThis is huluculu festival year.\nThis is bulukulu festival year.") elif(result == 0): print("This is an ordinary year.") print("")

except EOFError: pass


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