beecrowd | 1518


By Cristhian Bonilha, UTFPR BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

Rafael, at his first day of work at the zoo, was given the task they give to all newcomers: take care of the turtles. Rafael found that so easy that he decided to take a nap, but when he woke up he saw himself in a very complicated situation: the turtles were running away.

As he is at his first day, Rafael doesn't want to disappoint the zoo's boss, so he decided to catch and stop all the turtles in the minimum amount of time possible.

The place where they are can be seen as a plane, and Rafael is at the position [x, y]. In each second, Rafael can move at most two positions at the horinzontal or vertical, or at most one position at the diagonal.

Rafael has to stop three turtles, which are at the positions [x1, y1], [x2, y2] and [x3, y3], respectively. The turles, on the other hand, can only move one position per second, and in only one direction predefined: Up ([xi, yi+1]) or Right ([xi+1, yi]). They are always moving.

To stop a turtle Rafael must be at the same position as the given turtle. Rafael can choose to stop the turtles at any given order he wants. Find out the minimum amount of time necessary to stop all the three turtles.


There will be several test cases. Each test case starts with two integers x and y (1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1000), which indicates that Rafael is at the position [x, y] of the plane.

Following, there will be three lines, each one containing two integers xi and yi (1 ≤ xi, yi ≤ 1000), indicating that the i-th turtle is at the position [xi, yi], and one character ci, indicating which direction the i-th turtle is running: 'D' – Right, or 'C' – Up.

The plane where Rafael and the turtles are extends from the position [1, 1] (lower left corner) to the position [10⁵, 10⁵] (upper right corner), therefore there is a lot of space for the chase. Two turtles will never be at the same position at the same time.

The last test case is indicated when x = y = 0, which should not be processed.


For each test case, print one integer, representing the minimum amount of time needed to stop all the turles, in the order chosen by Rafael.

Sample Input Sample Output

1 1
1 2 D
2 2 C
2 3 D
1 1
5 5 D
3 3 D
4 1 C
0 0