beecrowd | 1791

Discovering an Matrix

By Thalyson Nepomuceno, UECE BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

A matrix is a Matriz de Potencia if it meets three requisites:

1. It is a square matrix.
2. The first column is formed only 1's.
3. For every element (i, j), with j > 1, (i, j) = (i, 2) j-1 and (i, j) is nonzero.

For example:

Your task is to find out if a square matrix can be transformed into a Matriz de Potencia using two types of operations:

1. Troca(x, y): Reverses the positions of all elements in columns x and y of the matrix.
2. Transposta(): The matrix is transposed.

For example:

Then P can be transformed into a Matriz de Potência.


The input consists of multiple lines. The first line contains an integer C that indicates the number of test cases. Then the first line in each test case contains an integer N (1 < N < 8) indicating the number of rows and columns of the matrix, then N lines, each with N integers d (􀀀-50000 < d < 50000) represents the matrix elements.


Each test case, print a single line with "Potencia" (without quotes) if the matrix can be transformed, or "Nao Potencia" (without quotes) if not.

Input Sample Output Sample

16 1 4
1 1 1
9 1 3
25 36 9
1 1 1
5 6 3
9 35 25
3 6 5
1 1 1

Nao Potencia