beecrowd | 1971


By Leandro Zatesko, UFFS BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

In an insurrection, a student decided to flee from Frida, but he was followed by four cops. At some time of the chase, the cops have yelled: Stop! We have you surrounded! Now the student wants to know if he really is surrounded, situation in which he must surrender, or if he can keep fleeing. We say that the student is surrounded by the cops if the cops are not all over a same line and if the student lies in the interior or on the boundary of the single polygon formed by the cops (yes, if the cops are not all over a same line, it is guaranteed that the polygon formed by all of them is unique).


The input consists of five lines containing two integers X and Y each (0 ≤ X, Y ≤ 104). The first four lines represent the coordinates of the four cops, and the last line represents the coordinates of the student. No two bodies can occupy the same place in the space.


The output shall consist of exactly three lines with exactly three characters each, representing whether the student must surrender or he can keep running. The samples clarify which characters shall be printed.

Input Samples Output Samples

1 1
5 3
7 6
3 5
4 4

/ \

1 1
5 3
7 6
3 5
6 4

/ >