beecrowd | 2583

Chirrin Chirrion

By Ricardo Martins, IFSULDEMINAS BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

The great hero Chapolout will help an inventor, and there he meets his son-in-law, who had evil intentions. To tempt him to change his mind, Chapolout tells the story of Tausfo and Mephistophetrist. Tausfo was a man of very advanced age, and he was in love with a woman much younger than he. One day, he receives the visit of Mephistophetrist, a demon who Offers him a tool, called Chirrin Chirrion, which brought or removed things as they were told. To bring something, he had to say what he wanted, followed by the word Chirrin, and to drive away something, he had to say what he did not want, followed by the word Chirrion. Any other word said, would not take effect. After so much use, Mephistophetrist returns and says he will take his soul with him, unless he returns everything he had asked for. Help Tausfo! Write a program that - given the uses of the tool - bring together everything Tausfo has acquired with Chirrin Chirrion.


The first value to be read is an integer C, indicating the number of test cases. Each test case starts with an integer N, stating how many uses have been made. Consider that before he possessed nothing, that a Chirrion will only have effect if he has such a thing dictated, and that a Chirrin will only have effect if he does not yet possess such thing, that is, he can not have two Copies of the same thing.


For each test case, print out the word TOTAL, followed by the list of things Tausfo has in alphabetical order.

Input Sample Output Sample

sapo chirrion
bala charrin
vela chirrin
copo chirrin
galo chirrin
galo chirrion
raposa chirrin
