beecrowd SQL | 2609

Products by Categories

Paulo R. Rodegheri BR Brasil

Timelimit: 1

As usual the sales industry is doing an analysis of how many products we have in stock, and you can help them.

Then your job will display the name and amount of products of each category.


Column Type
id (PK) numeric
name varchar
amount numeric
price numeric
id_categories (FK) numeric
Column Type
id (PK) numeric
name varchar


id name amount price id_categories
1 Two-doors wardrobe 100 800 1
2 Dining table 1000 560 3
3 Towel holder 10000 25.50 4
4 Computer desk 350 320.50 2
5 Chair 3000 210.64 4
6 Single bed 750 460 1
id name
1 wood
2 luxury
3 vintage
4 modern
5 super luxury

Output Sample

name sum
luxury 350
modern 13000
wood 850
vintage 1000