beecrowd SQL | 2616

No Rental

Paulo R. Rodegheri BR Brasil

Timelimit: 1

The video store company intends to do a promotion for customers who have not yet done any rental.

Your job is to deliver us the ID and the name of the customers who have not done any rental. Sort the output by ID.


Column Type
id (PK) numeric
name varchar
street varchar
city varchar
Column Type
id (PK) numeric
locations_date date (ISO/YMD)
id_customers (FK) numeric


id name street city
1 Giovanna Goncalves Oliveira Rua Mato Grosso Canoas
2 Kauã Azevedo Ribeiro Travessa Ibiá Uberlândia
3 Rebeca Barbosa Santos Rua Observatório Meteorológico Salvador
4 Sarah Carvalho Correia Rua Antônio Carlos da Silva Apucarana
5 João Almeida Lima Rua Rio Taiuva Ponta Grossa
6 Diogo Melo Dias Rua Duzentos e Cinqüenta Várzea Grande
id locations_date id_customers
1 2016-10-09 3
2 2016-09-02 1
3 2016-08-02 4
4 2016-09-02 2
5 2016-03-02 6
6 2016-04-04 4

Output Sample

id name
5 João Almeida Lima