beecrowd SQL | 2742

Richard's Multiverse

Marcos Lima BR Brasil

Timelimit: 1

Richard is a famous scientist because of his multiverse theory, where he describes every hypothetical set of parallel universes by means of a database. Thanks to that you now have a job..

As your first task, you must select every Richard from dimensions C875 and C774, together with its existence probability (the famous factor N) with three decimal places of precision.

Remember that the N factor is calculated by multiplying the omega value by 1,618. The data must be sorted by the least omega value.


Column Type
id (PK) numeric
name varchar
Column Type
id (PK) numeric
name varchar
omega numeric
dimensions_id (FK) numeric


id name
1 C774
2 C784
3 C794
4 C824
5 C875
id name omega dimensions_id
1 Richard Postman 5.6 2
2 Simple Jelly 1.4 1
3 Richard Gran Master 2.5 1
4 Richard Turing 6.4 4
5 Richard Strall 1.0 3

Output Sample

name The N Factor
Richard Gran Master 4.045