beecrowd | 2755

Output 9

By Roberto A. Costa Jr, UNIFEI BR Brazil

Timelimit: 1

Your programming teacher would like you to do a program with the following characteristics:

  1. Show the following sentence on the screen: "Ro'b'er to \ /" (Between r and t has a tab);
  2. Show the following sentence on the screen: (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.);
  3. Show the following sentence on the screen: (^_-) (-_-) (-_^);
  4. Show the following sentence on the screen: ("_") ('.');


There is not.


The result of your program should be written according to the output example.

Input Sample Output Sample

"Ro'b'er        to\/"

(._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.)

(^_-) (-_-) (-_^)

("_") ('.')